Lora Griff, MSW, LCSW-C
Child, Adolescent and Adult Therapy 301/230-9113
Lora Griff, MSW, LCSW-C
Child, Adolescent and Adult Therapy 301/230-9113
During different life stages you, or your child or teen may experience a range of difficulties including loss of self-esteem, depression, anxiety, behavior problems, moodiness, or attention deficit disorder. You may also face challenges through stressful times including separation and divorce, loss, bullying and teasing, relationship conflicts, and communication gaps. These are all painful and worrisome experiences but it is important to remember that all of us need help from time to time. Therapy will help you or your child gain insight, develop coping strategies, and better manage behavior and relationships.
Lora has helped many children, teens, and adults cope with these issues and she would like to help you as well. Through therapy you will have a safe environment to openly discuss and resolve your concerns. Lora has over 25 years of experience providing individual and family therapy and uses a range of therapeutic approaches to help you feel better over time. Please explore this website and learn about ways she may be helpful to you.
If you have additional questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please feel free to call Lora at 301/230-9113 for a phone consultation, or email her at Loramsw@gmail.com
6288 Montrose Road, Rockville, MD 20852